Hey there I'm Arman Ali Khan

CSE undergraduate at Siksha 'O' Anusandhan,ITER

About me

Arman Ali Khan

Hey I'm Arman Ali Khan a CSE undergraduate from Siksha'O'Anusandhan University,ITER.
I'm an optimistic person, punctual, trustworthy , critical thinker, action taker and adaptable to the surrounding.




from Jusco School Kadma

Jusco School Kadma
82.8 % passed

Intermediate of Science

From Jusco School Kadma

Jusco School Kadma
86.4 % passed


From Institute of Techincal Education and Research,
Siksha 'O' Anusandhan University

Siksha 'O' Anusandhan University
SCGPA : 9.13
upto 4th sem pursuing



A website that contains Amazing Card User Interface(UI) Designs and Effects for you to use it on your Projects/websites.

Know Corona

A website that shares Information about Covid-19(Corona) and it related stuffs.

Text to Speech

A WEBSITE based TextToSpeech converter. As per name it converts text written into speech.

TODO with Crud

This is a ToDo website with some features that stores data on your browers localStorage

Lets get Connected !

Arman Ali Khan